Hinc proposes the enhancement of cultural assets of historic and artistic value through new engaging, accessible interaction models aimed at Italian and foreign visitors of all ages.

Its goal is to support the current management systems of “minor” cultural heritage, which can be visited at limited times during the year and are often supported only by voluntary resources.

The project was born in 2021 with the cultural site of San Fiorenzo, in Bastia Mondovì, to expand in 2023 to two other sites in Grana Valley: the church of Santa Maria della Valle and the Chapel of Saints Bernardo and Mauro.

Start your visit from one of the following cultural sites!

San Fiorenzo

The church of San Fiorenzo in Bastia Mondovì (CN) is the first experimental application of hinc on a cultural asset (2021).

Santa maria della valle

Hinc expands its portfolio by adding in 2023 two new interactive itineraries in Valle Grana.

cappella dei santi bernardo e mauro

Hinc expands its portfolio by adding in 2023 two new interactive itineraries in Valle Grana.

Text Sources:
Santa Maria della Valle: 1000 anni di storia, di Davide Arneodo,Brunella Budello, Vittorio Dabbene, Gianpiero Dadone, Diego Deidda, Arduino Rosso, estratto da Draios e Viol.
Episodi di tardo gotico in valle grana di Elisa Cartei, estratto da Valle Grana – una comunità tra arte e storia 

hinc [heritage is the new cult] is a project by

creative team

Alice Gallouin
Artistic Director

Project conception, research and copywriting, video-animations

Ambra Dalmasso
Comunication&Web Designer

Communication, research and copywriting, web design

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